International free trade agreement contains provisions that threatens future of LGBTQ people

Washington, DC, June 12, 2015–Today, the House of Representatives failed to pass legislation that would fast-track the Administration’s negotiations over the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade agreement. Leading up to the vote, the National LGBTQ Task Force expressed its concerns with the TPP by issuing joint letters to members of Congress, collaborating on full-page ads, participating in press events, and articulating its position to lawmakers.

“Thank you Congress for standing up for transparency and continued dialogue on the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement. The TPP poses a real threat to good paying US-based jobs, access to affordable life-saving medicine including HIV treatment, and the work to advance freedom, justice, and equality for LGBTQ people.

“Among our concerns with the TPP is opening up business with governments that have egregious laws criminalizing LGBTQ people. The TPP calls for doing business with countries such as Singapore and Malaysia, where anyone perceived to be LGBTQ faces the threat of imprisonment, or Brunei, where LGBTQ people can be sentenced to death simply because of who they are.

“We are also concerned about how the trade agreement would affect the US workforce—millions of good paying jobs could be lost and relocated in countries with a track record of human rights violations. Additionally, PhRMA member companies could refuse to provide affordable generic versions of HIV medication to people living with HIV in economically disadvantaged communities abroad. This trade agreement would be a huge step backwards in the fight to eradicate HIV/AIDS and the work toward full equality for LGBTQ people,” said Rea Carey, National LGBTQ Task Force Executive Director.


Jorge Amaro
Media and Public Relations Director

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