Washington, DC, April 3, 2015 — “Nix it don’t fix it” is the message that the National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund is sending to politicians across the nation the day after Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson signed a revised HB1228: SB975 — a bill that until revised was a copy-cat version of Indiana’s controversial discrimination law.

“Arkansas legislators should have never passed this bill in the first place and Governor Hutchinson should have vetoed it. Citizens, faith leaders, communities, organizations and businesses such as Walmart, headquartered in Arkansas, urged him to veto the bill when he had the chance. The whole idea of politicians using faith to force their prejudices and beliefs on the rest of us is intolerable and a violation of our constitutional right to religious liberty,” said Russell Roybal, Deputy Executive Director, National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund.

The new Arkansas law comes hot on the heels of another Arkansas law that grabs power from local authorities to stop them from passing LGBTQ nondiscrimination laws. Arkansas does not have a comprehensive statewide non-discrimination law.

“This whole process has sent an appalling message about the extent to which some politicians will go to discriminate against people. How far will they go to ignore people of faith who think that discrimination is morally wrong? People who are sickened when they see religious belief used to attack people, people’s rights, people’s lives and people’s livelihoods, ” Roybal said.

In state capitals across the country, there are attempts to include so-called “RFRAs” or “religious exemptions” or “religious refusals” in new and existing laws, with the intended outcome of denying or stripping away critical protections for LGBTQ people. There are many reasons for this tactic from the opponents of equality — not least of which is the progress LGBTQ people have made in securing marriage equality and public support. Another reason is the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby ruling that was a fundamental attack on reproductive justice. This decision provided a legal context for employers imposing their beliefs on their employees: all in the name of religious liberty.

Yesterday the National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund launched a new campaign called “Nix It Now” (#NixItNow) urging politicians to reject Indiana-style discrimination laws. Go to the organization’s Facebook page  to share a “Nix it Now” graphic.

“We urge all politicians to nix Indiana-style discrimination laws now — don’t fix them — and to pass strong non-discrimination laws. A nation where everyone can be themselves and have access to the promise of America without the fear of discrimination is good for people, good for business and good for our country,” said Roybal.


Jorge Amaro
Media and Public Relations Director

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